A. Melissa Moye, Ph.D. Named Interim CIO of Maryland State Retirement and Pension System
Dr. Moye assumes duties upon Mansco Perry, III's departure at the end of October


The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System (MSRPS) today announced that A. Melissa Moye, Ph.D. has been named acting Chief Investment Officer (CIO) by the Board of Trustees—temporarily taking over the position until the search for a permanent replacement can be completed. Dr. Moye will take over the position at the end of the month when Mansco Perry, III leaves MSRPS to start in his new position as CIO of the endowment fund of Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

“We are very fortunate to have someone with Dr. Moye’s skill and experience who is prepared to assume the duties as interim CIO during this transition period,” said State Treasurer Nancy K. Kopp, who also chairs the Maryland State Retirement and Pension System Board of Trustees. “Dr. Moye brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this key position as well as intimate knowledge of the state retirement system, which I know will serve the Board of Trustees and the members of the system well.”

Dr. Moye has served as Deputy Treasurer for Financial Policy since 2007 and will continue in that capacity, advising Treasurer Kopp on financial policy issues deliberated on by various governmental boards and commissions, such as the $34 billion State Retirement and Pension System, the Supplemental Teachers and Employees Retirement Plans and the College Savings Plans. She recently served as a trustee of the MSRPS from 2003 to 2007 and during her term chaired the board’s Corporate Governance Committee and was a member of the Investment Committee.

“The System’s investment portfolio has been well-positioned by Mr. Perry under the oversight of the Board and its Investment Committee,” said Dr. Moye. “I look forward to leading the talented financial professionals of the SRA Investment Division over this interim period.”

Prior to serving as Deputy Treasurer, Dr. Moye was employed by Amalgamated Bank, Trust & Investment Services as First Vice President/Chief Economist from 2001-2005 and then as Senior Vice President/Director of Investment Services from 2005 to 2007.

Dr. Moye received her B.A. from Earlham College in 1984, continued her studies at Temple University and received her Ph.D. in Economics in 1995 at the University of Notre Dame. She resides in Silver Spring with her husband.


Michael D. Golden
443-540-6499 (mobile)


The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System is charged with the fiduciary responsibility for properly administering the retirement and pension allowances of 116,000 retirees and beneficiaries as well as the future benefits for over 251,500 active participating members. These groups include state government employees, teachers, law enforcement personnel, legislators, judges and local government employees and fire fighters whose employers have elected to participate in the system.

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