


Benefits Overview

The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System has a long, secure history of providing benefits to its members.

This overview deals with the highlights of these benefits. More information is available in the retirement video and pamphlets.

Death Benefit

Generally, our death benefit protection provides financial protection to your designated beneficiary(ies) if your death occurs during active membership. The benefits payable vary depending on the members system.

Survivor protection remains in effect as long as you are on payroll or a Maryland State Retirement and Pension System-approved leave of absence.

For specific information on the death benefit payable under your particular system, please refer to your pamphlet or contact a retirement benefit specialist.

Disability Benefit

The Maryland State Retirement and Pension System provides important disability coverage in the unfortunate event that a serious injury or illness permanently incapacitates you from performing your job duties.

You can find more information regarding disability benefits in our videos or Guide to Disability Retirement.

Service Retirement

Normal service retirement provides a lifetime monthly benefit. Your eligibility to retire will depend on your system, service credit and age. Some systems also provide an early service retirement. Early service retirement will provide a lifetime monthly benefit at a reduced amount.

You can use the online benefit estimator to determine your earliest eligible retirement date and estimate your benefit. Just log into mySRPS. Click here for more information about mySRPS. 

For more information regarding when you will be eligible to retire please refer to our videos or pamphlets.

Vested Benefits

A vested benefit refers to a benefit that is not payable at the time of separation from employment, but is deferred until the former member reaches normal retirement age. To qualify for this deferred vested benefit, you must not withdraw your contributions.

For more information vesting rights please refer to our pamphlets.

Note: The preceding outline represents a general overview of benefits available from the various plans administered by the Agency. Each of the several plans may have different benefits, eligibility rules, benefit formulas, and vesting requirements than those listed in this general overview. If questions arise, or there is a conflict between this general overview and State law, the provisions of Divisions II and III of the State Personnel and Pension Article, Annotated Code of Maryland shall apply to control resolution of any question or conflict. This general overview is not a contract.

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