Tax Withholding
Tax Withholding
Payees may request that federal and Maryland state taxes be withheld from their retirement allowance. The Retirement Agency does not withhold state taxes for any state other than Maryland. Log in to mySRPS to update your tax withholding. Click here for more information about mySRPS.
You also can update your tax withholding by completing:
IRS Form W-4P for Federal Tax Withholding
Form 766.11: Maryland State Tax Withholding Request
Maryland State Retirement Agency staff cannot provide tax advice. If you have specific questions regarding taxes, you may wish to consult with a qualified tax adviser.
Understanding Your 1099-R Tax Form
Internal Revenue Service tax form 1099-R provides each payee with detailed information on his or her pension income for the previous year.
Most payees receive only one 1099-R tax form each year. However, persons who retired in the current tax year will receive a separate 1099-R tax form for any additional refunds they received, such as a refund of voluntary annuity contributions.