MPAS+ Project
MPAS+ Project
MPAS+ Vision
SRA has an important strategic goal: to modernize how it administers pensions for Maryland State workers. MPAS+ is the project that will help us achieve that goal.
Today, SRA uses a system called MPAS, which stands for the Maryland Pension Administration System. As part of the MPAS+ project, we’ll get an improved version of MPAS. We’ll also redesign and streamline our business processes.
The improved version of MPAS will include these major new features:
- New Self-Service Website for Participants.
- Improved Self-Service Website for Employers
- Customer Relationship Management system
- Member Document Storage
MPAS+ Project Goals
SRA also has several business goals. These involve people, technology, and business processes. We want to make improvements in these 4 key areas:
- Customer Self-Service
- SRA Customer Service
- Efficiency
- Data Quality
Survey Response
As a follow up to our kick-off webinar, we sent a short survey to employers about their current human resources and payroll systems. Please find a summary of the survey responses.