Retiree Forms



Our secure website, mySRPS offers the most efficient method of accessing and completing forms. No need for paper, nothing to fill out, and no postage. Use the mySRPS wizards to update your tax withholdings and direct deposit instructions. Your contact information can also be updated directly in mySRPS. It’s easy to do and keeps your information secure. Click here for more information about mySRPS.

Printable Forms

We offer some Downloads as Adobe Acrobat (PDF) or Microsoft Word (doc) files. If you need a PDF reader, you can download Adobe Reader. If you don’t have Word, you can download Microsoft’s Word Viewer.

You can also order forms by clicking here. Please note, it make take up to 3 business days for forms to be mailed. 

Forms are not effective until they are received in our administrative offices in Baltimore.

If you choose not to use our secure portal to change your contact information or Direct Deposit information, Form 77: Contact Information Change Request and Form 85: Direct Deposit Authorization can only be submitted via mail.  We do not accept these requests sent in via email.

Form 77: Contact Information Change Request Please note, you can update your address easily through mySRPS

Form 85: Direct Deposit Authorization Please note, you can update your direct deposit easily through mySRPS

You must enclose a voided check, deposit slip, page 1 of your bank statement or a letter signed by a bank representative as proof of your account. All documents must include your full name and full account number. 

We cannot accept handwritten information as proof of your account (ex: starter checks)

IRS Form W-4P for Federal Tax Withholding Please note, you can update your federal tax withholding easily through mySRPS

Form 766.11: Maryland State Tax Withholding Request Please note, you can update your state tax withholding easily through mySRPS

mySRPS Forms

Form 146: Identification Affidavit for mySRPS

Form 147: mySRPS Freeze Request


How do I Update my Beneficiary Designation?

The process to change your beneficiary varies depending on the benefit option you chose at retirement. Your option selection is listed on the Notice of Retirement Allowance you received upon retirement. 

Basic Allowance, Option 1 or Option 4

If you selected Basic Allowance, Option 1, or Option 4, simply complete and submit to the Maryland State Retirement Agency the appropriate Designation of Beneficiary form for your plan.

  • Employees, Teachers, Correctional Officers, LEOPS, and State Police : Form 4
  • Judges: Form 4.1
  • Legislators: Form 55

If you are receiving a Basic allowance, or an allowance under Option 1 or 4, naming a new beneficiary will not affect your monthly payment amount. Forms must be received by the Retirement Agency to be valid.

Options 2, 3, 5 or 6

If you selected Option 2, 3, 5 or 6 (a dual life benefit), naming a new beneficiary will affect your monthly payment amount. Often your monthly payment will be reduced. Before changing your beneficiary, complete and submit a Form 66A: Request for Calculation of Joint Survivorship by a Retiree Considering Changing a Beneficiary . The Retirement Agency will respond by mail with your projected new monthly payment amount. This mailing also will include an Application by a Retiree Under a Joint Survivorship Annuity (Option 2, 3 5 or 6) to Change a Beneficiary (Form 67). If the new payment amount is acceptable to you, complete and submit the Form 67 to complete the beneficiary change. Forms must be received by the Retirement Agency to be valid.

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