Planning for Retirement
Estimate your retirement benefit
We strongly encourage you to use the online benefit estimator to estimate your monthly benefit. Use this tool any time prior to retirement to assist in your financial planning. Just login into mySRPS. Click here for more information about mySRPS.
Members who are within 12 months of retirement can also send a request to SRA using the appropriate Application for an Estimate of Service Retirement Allowance available on our forms page.
Attend a pre-retirement seminar
Three years prior to it is recommended that you attend one of the State Retirement Agency’s pre-retirement seminars or online webinars. Click here for more information.
Apply for any additional Service credit
Purchase Service
Purchased service refers to service credit you may buy through direct payment to the Retirement Agency for specific types of previous employment. Only members who are on paid employment or a State Retirement Agency approved leave of absence may purchase service. Apply to purchase any eligible service by filing a Form 26: Request to Purchase Previous Service along with your request for an estimate.
Military Credit
You may be eligible to claim additional credit if you take an approved leave of absence or have served in the military. Apply for any eligible military credit by submitting a Form 43: Claim of Retirement Credit for Military Service.
Prepare your paperwork
Two months prior retirement, complete your final retirement paperwork, which are available on our forms page, along with your formal letter of retirement to your employer.