Member Benefit Handbooks


Benefit Handbooks

Teachers’ Pension Plans

Teachers’ Pension System Alternate Contributory Pension Selection (for members enrolled before July 1, 2011)
Teachers’ Pension System Reformed Contributory Pension Benefit (for members enrolled on or after July 1, 2011)

Employees’ Pension Plans

Employees’ Pension System Alternate Contributory Pension Selection (for members enrolled before July 1, 2011)
Employees’ Pension System Reformed Contributory Pension Benefit (for members enrolled on or after July 1, 2011)
Employees’ Pension System Non-Contributory Pension Selection (for active members of employers who did not elect to participate in the Contributory, Alternate, or Reformed plans)

Employees’ Pension System Contributory Pension Selection (for active members of employers who did not elect to participate in the Alternate or Reformed plans) – coming soon.

Employees’ and Teachers’ Retirement System

Employees' and Teachers' Retirement System

Plans for Other Members

Correctional Officers' Retirement System

Maryland State Police Retirement System

Law Enforcement Officers' Pension System

Judges' Retirement System

Legislative Pension Plan

Optional Retirement Program

This booklet is provided for eligible employees of certain employing institutions of higher education to provide a comparison of the different program options. 

Optional Retirement Program

Webform 1334